MultiSuper Network fosters collaborative research efforts to advance cutting edge frontiers of superconductivity and superfluidity. The focus is on multiband and multicomponent materials, superconductivity in quantum stripes, ultrathin materials and nanoscale-confined superconducting systems, electron-hole superfluidity in graphene heterostructures, and ultracold fermionic superfluids in confined geometries. MultiSuper Network is open to research groups or individual researchers working on topics of mutual interest, as well as related fields. The Network policy is one of sharing, collaboration, cross-mentoring and the facilitated transfer of knowledge, including shared experimental and computational facilities, staff and student exchanges, joint proposals for funding, etc. MultiSuper Network organizes a biennial MultiSuper Conference series, as well as annual Workshops. Network activities include edited books, special issues of scientific journals, MOOCs, and webinars. Rules within the Network are kept minimal with emphasis on flexibility. Active contributions are very welcome.
For further information on joining the MultiSuper Network, or for any suggestions, please use the ‘contacts’ tab.

SuperFluctuations 2024

Fluctuations and Highly Non Linear Phenomena in
Superfluids and Superconductors

September 16-18, 2024      Salerno, Italy   

Jointly organized by:
University of Salerno, University of Camerino, University of Padova and CNR-SPIN,
In collaboration with: NQSTI - National Quantum Science and Technology Institute

The Conference SuperFluctuations this year will be organized on-site in the beautiful town of Salerno, in the Campania region of Italy. We will share in a highly interactive manner our recent scientific achievements and future research perspectives. During the conference we will discuss opportunities to establish large collaboration efforts or empowering existing ones, as well as to plan joint participation to international projects. Young participants will be able to look and discuss opportunities for doctoral or post doc positions. Cross-fertilization, merging of capacities, and methods will be encouraged in a very interactive atmosphere. 

Antwerp & Camerino collaboration

Three-year joint doctoral position at the University of Camerino, Italy, and at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Supervisors will be Prof. Milorad Milosevic (Antwerp) and Prof. Andrea Perali(Camerino). Other Supervisors in Antwerp as well as in Camerino will be possible. 
Successful PhD student will spend 18 months in Camerino and the other 18 months in Antwerp (the agenda will be organized with the supervisors).
Grant for mobility available and access to state of the art computational and experimental facilities.

Applications deadline: 7th July 2024.

Possible topics:
    • Multiband-multigap superconductivity (theory);
    • Superconductivity at the Nanoscale (theory+experiments);
    • electron-hole superfluidity (theory).


Contact for information Prof. Andrea Perali (request to send full CV and publication list in pdf) by email:


New doctoral positions at SISSA:
