MultiSuper 2014, 24-27 June, University of Camerino, Italy   Conference Web Site

Opening  Video   

Milorad Milosevic (MultiSuper platform ppt) 

Dean School of Science & Tech (Unicam ppt)

Sponsor presentation-(Giorgio Frossati, Leiden Cryogenics). Video

Bulk multiband superconductors

Andrei Varlamov

Theory of fluctuations in a two-band superconductors. Video

Sergey Borisenko

ARPES of iron-based superconductors: recent results and current understanding. Video

Borisenko First slides

Alexei Vagov-Extended Ginzburg-Landau theory and critical superconductors. Video


Egor Babaev-Type-1.5 Superconductivity. Video


Lara Benfatto-Leggett modes in iron-based superconductors in proximity of a Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking. Video


Milorad Milosevic-Fractional vortex states in multiband superconductors. Video


Frank Marsiglio-Multi-band Effects through the Dynamic Hubbard Model. Video


Antonio Bianconi-Shape Resonances in Superstripes. Video


Johnpierre Paglione-Segregation of magnetism and high-Tc superconductivity in Ca1-x Rx Fe2 As2. Video


Dario Daghero-Point conctact spectroscopy in Fe-based multiband superconductors: Recent advancement ad future challenges. Video


Massimo Capone-Unveling the Hidden and Selective Mott Physics in Iron-Based Superconductors. Video


Mauro Doria-Multicomponent superconductivity, time-reversal symmetry, magnetism and topology. Video

Multiband and multicomponent superfluidity in ultracold atoms

Chris Vale

Local measurements on 3D and 2D Fermi gases. Video


Giancarlo Strinati-Les trois longueurs de la superconductivité - Vingt ans après. Video


Silke Ospelkaus-Towards quantum many-body physics with ultracod polar molecules.


Carlos A. R. Sa de Melo-Parity violating superfluidity in ultra-cold fermions under the influence of artificial gauge (spin-orbit and Zeeman) fields. Video


Alexander Fetter-Vortex Dynamics in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Eintein Condensates. Video


Gordon Baym-The Superfluid Mass Density. Video


Paivi Torma-Superfluid correlations in low-dimensional ultracod gases. Video


Jacques Tempere-Multiband Fermi superfluids beyond the local density approximation. Video


Stefano Giorgini-Quantum Monte-Carlo study of dipolar ultracod fermions in single and bilayer configurations. Video


Peter Schuck-Theory for Quartet Condensation in Attractive Fermi System with Applications to Nuclear Physics. Video


Jordi Boronat-Pair Superfluidity in a bilayer of dipolar bosons. Video

 Guido Pupillo-Dynamics of ultrasoft particles in low-dimensions.


Luca Salasnich-Condensate fraction for a polarized three-dimensional Fermi gas.


Sebastiano Pilati-Ultracold atoms in optical lattices: beyond the Hubbard model


Fabrizio Palumbo-A bosonization method for many-body and relativistic field theories: The nilpotency expansion


Electron-hole superfluidity

Allan MacDonald

Spin and Excitonic Superfluidity. Video

Alex R. Hamilton-Excitonic superfluidity in electron-hole bilayer systems. Video

Marco Polini-Anomalous Coulomb drag resistivity in graphene/GaAs hybrid heterostructures. Video

Gregory E. Astrakharchik-Applicability of excitonic description to a two component Coulomb gas. Video

David Neilson-Enhancement of electron-hole superfluidity in double few-layer graphene. Video

Bilal Tanatar-Density-wave instability, collective excitations, and drag effect in double-layer dipolar bosons. Video

Leonid A. Ponomarenko-Interaction in Graphene Double Layers Structures. Video

Arkady A. Shanenko-Multiband coherent systems: interband pairing causes exotic gapless states. Video

Gaetano Senatore-Effects of intralayer interaction and type of screening on the mean-field excitonic condensation in a symmetric e-h bilayer. Video

Unconventional multicomponent superonductivity

Manfred Sigrist

True and nearly multi-component superconductors. Video


Kazushige Machida-Theretical studies of Pauli paramagnetic effects in multiband superconductors. Video


Sergio Caprara-Inhomogeneous multi-carrier superconductivity at La(Al, Ti)O3/SrTiO3 interfaces. Video


Antonio Garcia Garcia-Enhancing Tc in nano-structured materials. Video


Francois Peeters-Influence of quantum confinement in nanoscale superconductors. Video


Alessandro Ricci-SDW Fluctuations and complex organizatio in La1.72 Sr0.28 NiO4. Video


Andreas Glatz-Reentrance of superconductivity in parallel fields. Video


Daniel G. Barci-Electronic properties of the nematic superconductor state. Video


Mihail D. Croitoru-Coherent dynamics of pairing in superconductors with a non-trivial DOS. Video


Dimitri Roditchev-Proximity Phenomena and Superconductivity in Ps/Si(111) monolayers. Video


Yukio Hasegawa-Roles of atomic-scale defects in the superconducting proximity effect visualized by STM. Video


Jose Albino Aguiar-(Zr)1-x(Nb)x(B)2 a possible new multiband superconductor. Video


Sangita Bose-Origin of Matching Effects in Anti-dot Array of Superconducting Thin Films. Video

Oleksiy Kashuba-Trasport through the topological superconductor wire with multiple Majorana states.


Closing Video

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